Koshi waza - Hip throws
In the area of hip throws (Koshi waza) are all throws where the power is transmitted through the contact points of TORI's hip to UKE. Of major importance in these techniques is that the center TORI´s gravity (area around the navel), is under and behind the center of UKE´s gravity. For this purpose it is necessary for TORI to kneel and pushes his buttocks backward while comeing up.
You have to differentiates between two throwing principles:
- Lifting: Here is UKE raised by stretching the legs and thrown over TORI's hip as a fulcrum, here is the close contact between TORI's back or hip and UKE mportant. (for example, 11th technique; O goshi)
- Twisting: Here are the contact points determined by TORI on UKE by his side (hips and torso). The throwing execution is done by a body or hip rotation. This is not just thrown with the hips but with a draft executive of a body part. (all Guruma waza, e.g. 13th technique; O guruma)