This glossary of technical Japanese terms from the judo or martial arts is to give a brief overview of the most commonly used terms. Becaus the Japanese language is a visual language in the first place, it is possible to translate the following terms also slightly different. This page is only to give the student a broad overview and is not exhaustive.
A |
Abe, Ichiro | japanese judomaster |
age | lifting |
aka | red |
aoiro | blue |
arashi | onslaughting |
ashi | foot, leg |
ayumi | slideing |
ayumi ashi | gliding steps with overtaking |
B |
barai | sweeping |
basami | scissors |
bu | warrior, Samurai |
budo | japanese martial arts |
bushido | honor code of the samurai |
C |
Chudan | middle part of the body |
D |
dachi | body position |
dai, daiiro | orange |
dan | masters degree |
DDK | deutsches Dankollegium |
de | push forward |
DJB | deutscher Judobund |
do | way, principle, doctrine |
do | root |
dojo | training room |
E |
ebi | crab |
eri | collar |
F |
fusegi | defense |
fusen gachi | victory by a no shown opponent |