Jime / Shime waza - Choking techniques 1st group
The first group includes six positions of choking techniques, which are similar to the following basic positions of the arm locking techniques:
- The 2nd position of the arm locking techniques, for the first three techniques.
- The position behind UKE for the four following techniques.
- The straight stand (see 6th position of the arm locking techniques) until to the 11th technique.
- The 3rd position of the arm locking techniques for the 12th and 13th technique.
- The 1st position of the arm locking techniques for the 14th, 15th and 16th technique.
- and at last the 4th position of the arm locking techniques for the 17th und 18th technique.
At the choking techniques, the position relative to the arm locking techniques are more personal. The respective position of UKE and TORI is not as important as at the arm locking techniques.